Why choose a broker for your home insurance?


Many insurance companies offer home insurance policies. How to navigate?

Between direct insurers, the company with agents, and traditional insurers, it isn't easy to know which contract is the best. An independent broker can help you see things more clearly.

Do whatever you want, but get a broker.

If you are looking for Home Insurance, contact an insurance broker, it will be much easier for you. Gone are the hours of research, no need to compare the different existing home insurance plans on your own. No need to travel; let your broker work from your sofa!


What is a broker?

Almost 95% of Belgians take out their home insurance through a broker. An insurance broker can analyze all the offers and offer you the formula that meets your needs. He also supports you in the event of a claim and manages your file.

Five reasons to choose an insurance broker

A broker finds you the formula that suits you

A broker plays an intermediary role: he acts as the link between you and the insurance companies. So you don't have to go to all the companies to find your home insurance contract.

In addition, brokers often have access to more information than ordinary clients. They can, therefore, better inform the latter. For example, a company sometimes makes specific prices for owners or large families. By asking you a few very simple questions, your broker can then direct you to the company that best matches your profile.

A broker assists you in the event of a claim

Unlike a direct company, which is only concerned with selling contracts, a broker follows his insured throughout the use of his home. Thus, even when there is a disaster, the brokers' motto could be: "We are not selling a contract, but a service".

If you claim, your broker will be the first person to notify after help, of course! Your broker will take care of all the claim management and assess the amount of your compensation.

An insurance broker is independent

If you contact an insurance company, they will only inform you about the products offered by the company itself. So it's quite logical: a company will never tell you to look at the competition.

A broker puts the offers in competition: he has an overview of the formulas offered by all the insurance companies. Therefore, your broker can easily see which plan is the cheapest or which has the most extensive coverage. In addition, insurance companies sometimes give discounts to brokers. You will therefore have to go through your broker to benefit from it. If you want to find your insurance contract yourself, you are missing out on these promotions.

An insurance broker is quick

it uses technological innovations to be able to manage each situation that its customers experience quickly. For example, the automation of procedures allows you to take out your contract directly by a computer. Even the signature can be done electronically!

An insurance broker is flexible

The waste of time, energy, and lack of clarity make the world of insurance very daunting. But today, solutions exist to make the life of policyholders much easier. 

Abandonment of recourse: a chance for owners?

Details of Waiver of Recourse Insurance

With a waiver of recourse, you can be sure that any claims caused by tenants will indeed be covered by insurance: yours.

For donors only:

The waiver of recourse can only occur in one case: when you rent one of your homes to a tenant. You are aware that one of your responsibilities as an owner relates to the building: it is your responsibility to take care of the real estate aspect of your property. Your tenant, meanwhile, is responsible for the contents of the home and the building for his responsibility. For example, he must ensure that his responsibility causes no water damage.

This means that your tenant will be responsible if he causes a disaster: it will be up to his insurance (or himself, if applicable) to intervene to repair the damage.

In the event of a waiver of recourse, you remove this responsibility from your tenant about the home you are renting to him. It is, therefore, you who will be held "responsible" for the damage caused by your tenant to your property. It may sound absurd, but it has the merit of concentrating all the responsibility for your home in your hands.

Please note, your tenant is always responsible for any damage he may commit to third parties. For example, if your tenant lets his bathwater run and floods the apartment: you will have to assume the costs for water damage inside the home. Still, your tenant will always be responsible if the water causes damage to the neighbor below.

Abandonment of recourse for tenants

The waiver of recourse clause is irrelevant in the Walloon Region, where tenants are legally obliged to take out rental liability insurance. On the other hand, in Flanders and Brussels, tenants don't need to take out civil rental liability, which is not without consequences. Indeed, in the absence of civil rental liability, a tenant always remains responsible for his goods and damages vis-à-vis third parties. A waiver of recourse subscribed by its owner will therefore not be of any help to him in the event of damage to his property or if the lessee causes damage to third parties.  Union Complex Provides the best security system Luxurious Lifestyle Apartments with a parking facility.


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